July 1 is always a red letter calendar day. For some businesses, it marks the half-way period of their reporting year, for others the dawn of a fresh new year. Either way, July is a good time to review current activities and introduce some fresh new work habits. Here are a few you could try to kick start the new financial year.
Office Refresh – Look at your workspace. Has it become ho-hum or even blah? Try changing things up a bit – swap desks, add some colourful prints or even new plants. Positive environment= positive outlook.
Change weekly schedule – Are your weekly meetings always the same day and time? Does the same person always run them? Boring! Keep your team on their toes with a different approach and start see meeting engagement increase.
Spice up your life- Winter is a great time to celebrate diversity through food. Who doesn’t love being able to share the cultural delights of your office? Anyone for curry?
Make One Extra Call – Challenge your teams to make one extra sales call per day. You never know what success lies just a door away….
Exercise – Although the weather can be bleak, winter is a great time for a team related activity. A lunchtime power walk or pre-work Tai Chi or yoga class may be a solid investment in the health of your team…and business.
Celebrate – Nothing energises a team more than celebrating success. Show that you appreciate the efforts of your team by small celebrations. A BBQ or pizza lunch goes down well.
Small changes are easy and cost effective. A new financial year is the perfect time to introduce some new habits into your workplace. What have your done in your office to bring in some fresh work habits?