Time to Look After Your Casual Employees.

Quality ingredients are the key to a good cake.  So too, good employees are essential for a successful business.  Under Fair Work Australia Laws, employers are required to make an offer for permanency to casual employees who have worked continually in that business for 12 months.  That offer must be made in writing  no later than MONDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER 2021.  This obligation to offer applies to both full-time and part-time casuals.

A casual employee may choose to remain on a casual basis, with the absence of any formal acceptance within 21 days of the offer of permanency, deemed to be a decline of that offer. If an employer chooses NOT to make an offer, eligible causal employees must receive a written letter explaining why no offer of permanency is being made. 

Small businesses are exempt from this obligation.

Hurry, the clock is ticking.

For more details visit:   www.fairwork.gov.au/employee-entitlements/national-employment-standards/casual-employment-information-statement

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